Female Athlete Podcast

Harassment and exercise: Women share their experiences and what the research tells us

April 09, 2021 Female Athlete Podcast Season 3 Episode 3

In this episode we speak about harassment and exercising women. The topic has been in the news and media recently for various different reasons and we wanted to open up the conversation around it as best we can.

We give our own experiences and speak to different women who share their stories of harassment whilst exercising outdoors. We also invite on elite runner Sarah McDonald who talks about her recent experience, why she took to social media in response and how she was surprised and rewarded by the reaction from other women.

We also speak to Dr David Hindley, a researcher in the area of harassment and exercise and get his thoughts on why harassment is so normalised and almost expected in today's society and culture, how women may change their behaviour to reduce the risk of harassment and how we might be able to tackle the problem.

A huge thank you to our Title Sponsors for Series 3; Umi Health. Umi  is your go to, one-stop-hub for all things pelvic health, come join the revolution at umi-health.com.

Sarah McDonald's tweet: https://twitter.com/SarahAMcDonald/status/1364651322159624194?s=20
Dr Dave Hindley Twitter: @drdavehindley
Everyday Sexism Twitter: @EverydaySexism
Everyday Sexism website: https://everydaysexism.com   
Running safety - British Athletics updated advice for runners as well as guidance for non-runners: https://www.uka.org.uk/news/news-and-features/uk-athletics-and-hcafs-publish-updated-safety-advice-for-runners-and-guidance-for-non-runners/